Legal Cases

How we can Help with Legal Cases

​​​​​​​Physiatrists are, by their training, experienced in dealing with individuals who have catastrophic functional problems. Additionally, physiatrists are trained to anticipate the long-term needs of their patients.”
(The Life Care Planning and Case Management Handbook, 3rd Edition)

Physiatrists are accustomed to the integration of medical domains, and in fact, assist in the facilitation of multidisciplinary implementation. This is an asset in the Life Care Plan formulation and production. Additionally, there are many specific and unique needs that require organized scrutiny of care including attendant and nursing care, mobility, transfers, and transportation.

It is efficacious to utilize a Physiatrist Life Care Planner as they personally deal with all of the potential treatments and specialists needed daily, often resulting in needing fewer experts.

Physiatrists Understanding of the Case

Previously, Life Care Planners were nurses, psychologists, or vocational rehabilitation counselors. While doing a good job, the non-physician life care planner has a very big job in contacting various treatment providers and waiting for the returns of reports from these professionals. It is efficacious to utilize a Physiatrist Life Care Planner as they personally deal with all of the potential treatments and specialists needed daily, effectively cutting out the “middle-man.”

In beginning to navigate and study the scope of a case, many medical records come into the office. Records arrive from various specialists, each with their own language and sets of tests. Sources may include, but are not limited to, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Pain Management, Pulmonology, Urology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and/or Prosthetics.

Physiatrists are accustomed to the integration of medical domains, and in fact, assist in the facilitation of multidisciplinary implementation. This is an asset in Life Care Plan formulation and production. Additionally, there are many specific and unique needs that require organized scrutiny of care including attendant and nursing care, mobility, transfers, and transportation.

How Can A Physiatrist Life Care Planner Assist Attorneys

​​​​​​​A physiatrist is able to assist attorneys via:

  1. Review of Patient Records

  2. Provide Direct Examination of the Patient

  3. Interpret Test Result Explanations

  4. Provides Additional Testing Needs

  5. Assesses for Therapy Needs

  6. Recommendation Specialized Equipment

  7. Identify Home Modifications and Accommodations

  8. Gauges the Emotional Impact of Injury

  9. Explains the Consequences of Aging

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